Monday, 6 June 2011

New corporate photos for Avinash Kaushik

I first met Avinash at Monaco Media Forum in 2008 when he was one of Google's speakers at this high profile media conference, sharing his views on website analytics and why he believed marketers were measuring the wrong things when looking at online advertising impact. He was one of the most inspirational speakers at the event that year and was besieged by potential clients after his short speech.

We kept in touch and when Avinash came across my photography website he asked if I could take some fresh portrait photographs of him next time I was visiting Google's Mountain View head office. In June I was in Mountain View for a few days to host a client event and I had brought my Nikon D3 camera with me, so we headed off for a walk around the Google campus to find some suitable locations to take photographs. The photo above is my favourite, although Avinash ended up using another one with a simpler background for his Twitter and other online profiles.

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